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Dear Family Member,

This year, our school has partnered with Amira Learning in support of our readers. Amira is a digital reading tool that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to assess students’ reading mastery and coach them through new reading skills. You can watch a 1 minute overview of Amira here!

Our school will administer Benchmark Assessments through Amira this year so that we can:

  • Assess students’ reading proficiency levels

  • Screen students for potential risk of dyslexia

  • Identify individual student’s areas of need or additional support 

In addition to the Benchmark Assessment, students will also use Amira’s “Practice” mode at home to strengthen their reading skills. They will read out loud, receive interventions and support, and talk about the story they’ve read to build their comprehension skills.

Amira is a program committed to AI safety for students. Amira uses AI to select from a predetermined set of interventions and responses. Amira does not pull from the internet and cannot respond to students outside of the curated options vetted by humans. All student data is protected and owned by the district. Our team has been thoroughly impressed with their efficacy data and work with education researchers to develop the best product for students.

Based on the information from Amira’s assessment and practice components, it’s possible we will contact you about additional support and resources for your student. We appreciate your partnership as we help our students become stronger readers!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with your questions.